Nvim Like a Pro: Another 7 Plugins to Enhance Your Daily Life

Olivier Gamache
6 min readJan 20, 2023
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Welcome back, fellow Vim enthusiasts! Are you still on the hunt for the ultimate Vim setup? Look no further, because in this article, we’ll be diving into another round of Vim plugins that will take your text editing game to new heights. Get ready to say goodbye to your mouse and hello to even more keyboard shortcuts, because these plugins will make your daily life even more efficient. Let’s dive in and see what hidden gems we can uncover!

Without furder ado, let’s dive into our first plugin.

~ ‘folke/lazy.nvim’

Are you tired of dealing with clunky and slow plugin management? Well, it’s time to upgrade your game with lazy.nvim. I used to be a loyal packer.nvim user, but trust me when I say, making the switch to lazy.nvim is like upgrading from a bicycle to a Ferrari. The difference is night and day. You see, lazy.nvim is the ultimate lazy person’s solution to plugin management. It elegantly offers you ways to manage your dependencies and load your plugins in a lazy way, putting the power of laziness in your hands. Imagine being able to load only the plugins you need, when you need them, and not having to worry about the rest, it’s like having a personal butler for your plugins. So if you want to experience the difference between quick and blazingly fast, give lazy.nvim a try, you’ll be glad you did.

~ ‘github/copilot.vim’

Ladies and gentlemen, the future is here and it’s brought a new player to the game: AI. That’s right, the same technology that’s taking over the world can now help you write articles and code like a pro. And the best part? It’s all available at your fingertips with Copilot. It’s like having the power of GitHub in the palm of your hand. But don’t worry Vimmers, you no longer have to choose between your beloved text-editing tool and the latest technology, because with copilot.nvim you can have both. Imagine having the ability to autocomplete your code and write a witty article about Vim plugins all at the same time, it’s like having a superpower. So say goodbye to mundane coding and hello to the future with Copilot.

~ ‘andweeb/presence.nvim’

Are you tired of keeping your amazing coding skills a secret? Well, let the world know with this plugin that lets you show off your work on Discord! Impress your colleagues with your fancy Neovim setup, because let’s be real, isn’t that the whole reason you’re using it? To flex on your coworkers? Alright, maybe it’s just me, but this plugin makes me feel like a rockstar. So go forth and let your coding shine, with this plugin you’ll be the envy of the office.

~ ‘williamboman/mason.nvim’

A plugin that has some old classical art as its logo: what else to ask for? Looking for a plugin that’s both elegant and powerful? Look no further, because this one has all the goods! With its fancy classical art logo, it’s already a winner in my book. But don’t let that fool you, this plugin packs a punch! It’s like nvim-lsp-installeron steroids, with access to more LSPs, and it’s brought its posse of linters, debuggers, and formatters to the party. It’s like the ultimate wingman for your code. So what are you waiting for? Give this plugin a try and elevate your text-editing game to the next level.

A snippet of mason in the wild

~ ‘ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim’

Introducing the ultimate quality of life plugin, the one that stands head and shoulders above the rest. This plugin is like having a personal assistant for your code, it guides you through functions like a trusty GPS. Imagine never having to guess what arguments to use or which one you’re currently filling, this plugin has got you covered. And the cherry on top? It uses cute panda emojis to guide you through the process, making the whole experience fun and enjoyable. It’s like having a panda friend that helps you write code. So why settle for a bland and boring coding experience, when you can have a fluffy, cute and helpful panda by your side? Get this plugin and code like a pro with a pandacompanion.

~ ‘ggandor/leap.nvim’

Say goodbye to sluggish code navigation and hello to lightning-fast movement with this plugin! It’s gone through many iterations, from “lightspeed” to “leap”, but the end result is the same: the ability to start and jump around very quickly. Gone are the days where I used to highlight the first occurence letters in a line, just tap the first two letters of where you want to go and bam you’re there, like teleportation for your code. Definitely a must-have for anyone looking to speed up moving across their codebase.

~ ‘ThePrimeagen/refactoring.nvim’

Are you tired of missing those fancy refactoring features from IntelliJ? Well, have no fear because ThePrimeagen comes to the rescue (once again)! This plugin is like a superhero for your code, using the power of treesitter to help you refactor like a pro. Want to create a new variable or extract a function? refactoring.nvim is like a magic wand for your code, the possibilities are endless. And the best part? It’s based on Martin Fowler’s famous Refactoring book, so you know it’s going to turn that mess of code into something beautiful. Say goodbye to tedious refactoring and hello to refactoring.nvim, your new coding sidekick!

Bonus ~ ‘eandrju/cellular-automaton.nvim’

Here’s a nice bonus: if you are tired of debugging your ever-failing unit tests, simply press <leader>fml and voilà:

Make it rain

And there you have it, folks! Another round of Vim plugins to enhance your daily life. From navigation to code completion, these plugins are sure to boost your productivity and make your text editing experience even more enjoyable. Vimming is like a river, it keeps flowing and changing, but with these new plugins, you will navigate it even better. So go forth, install these plugins, and enjoy the newfound power at your fingertips. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. And by responsibility, we mean more time to spend on the important things in life, like cat videos and memes. Happy Vimming!

Photo by Evan Clark on Unsplash

